Ridge offers shameless praise of Bush
Today's homeland security speech given by Tom Ridge was going along just fine until he had to go and put in a shameless plug for President Bush. Shortly after warning Americans that the country was "going orange," due to specific information about possible terrorist actions, Ridge tried to convince his audience that they should thank Bush that this information is available to them. If Ridge wants people to take these terror alerts and color swatches seriously, he should leave the propaganda out of his speeches.
Today's homeland security speech given by Tom Ridge was going along just fine until he had to go and put in a shameless plug for President Bush. Shortly after warning Americans that the country was "going orange," due to specific information about possible terrorist actions, Ridge tried to convince his audience that they should thank Bush that this information is available to them. If Ridge wants people to take these terror alerts and color swatches seriously, he should leave the propaganda out of his speeches.