Thursday, November 10, 2005

Pastors Gather To Preach Hate

About 250 pastors from around Minnesota gathered at Grace Church in Eden Prairie today to strategize in favor of a state ban on gay marriage. My favorite quote comes from a Wichita, Kansas pastor named Terry Fox who helped get a ban on gay marriage passed in his state. Fox says, "We came to the realization that our culture was going to hell. We couldn't even believe we had to have a debate about marriage being between one man and one woman." So Terry says it pretty plain and clear right there. All that is wrong with our world today is because of the gays. The queers. The fags. It's all their fault. Other things like drugs, broken families caused by adultery, crime and the participation in an unjustified war don't even enter into the equation according to Terry. What a brilliant mind Terry must have. So what I'm wondering is what island is available to ship all the gays to so our culture can begin to exit the depths of hell?


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