Tuesday, November 08, 2005

The Beginning Of The End For Republicans?

Republicans have fared quite well nationwide in recent elections, but I'll point to the St. Paul mayoral race to hint that things might be about to change. Incumbent Randy Kelly was defeated by a wide margin (69-31%) by challenger Chris Coleman. Support for Kelly took a tumble almost immediately after he endorsed George Bush in the 2004 presidential election. Polls in Minnesota have also hinted the republican governor Tim Pawlenty will have a hard time retaining his position in 2006 when either Steve Kelley or Mike Hatch opposes him. Now the dems need to find an electable candidate for the 2008 election and I don't think that person is Hillary Clinton.

Too Late Terrell

Look who comes crying back to the media with an attempt at a sincere apology just after he discovers that he might lose four game checks for conduct detrimental to the team. That's right Terrell Owens made a lame attempt to make up for his shortcomings as a team player, but the Eagles said no, no, no Terrell. Sorry Terrell, even your weasel of an agent can't pull you out of this mess.

Stop The Presses!

Steve Phillips is about to take the podium at the simulated Chicago Cubs press conference! Where's my remote.

Katherine "The Liar" Kersten

The Star Tribune was forced to print a correction after their crackpot right wing columnist spouted off about gay marraige in Canada. It's tough to write a good column when you have to get your facts straight isn't it Katherine?


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