Thursday, October 28, 2004

Where's the objectivity people?

If there is one thing that this year's election has done is that it has proven the American people's recent tendency to gravitate to a media outlet that they know will repeat and confirm political beliefs/stances that they have already decided they believe to be true. What ever happened to having the media be objective and a place where a person could hear both sides of the story and then decide for his or herself what they believe. Now days conservatives listen and watch Rush Limbaugh and Fox News and liberals listen to Air America and Al Franken. Both sides then memorize and store in their little brains these convoluted and biased facts that these media outlets spew out to try and gain votes for their candidate and political party. I'm so sick of this trend that I am truly becoming a believer of the phrase "you can't believe anything you hear these days."


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