Thursday, October 14, 2004

Cheney's Prove Republicans Ignorance On Homosexuality

Coming into this election I thought that the issue of gay marraige would get a lot of attention, but it has not. That may change after a seemingly harmless comment made by Kerry in the third and final presidential debate. Kerry made a reference to the fact that Dick Cheney's daughter is a lesbian in order to suggest that being gay is something a person is born with versus a choice. The Cheneys have now publicly reacted to the comment and claim they are angry that Kerry mentioned their daughter's sexuality during the course of the debate. The fact that the Cheneys are angered over the mention of their daughter's sexual preference proves that they are embarrassed by it and that's just sad. Furthermore, what I don't get is the difference in reaction to the comments made by Kerry compared to the one's Edwards made in the Vice-Presidential debate. Edwards mentioned Mary Cheney's homosexuality in much the same way Kerry did and Dick Cheney thanked Edwards during the debate for being respectful to his family on the issue. Now Kerry says something along the same lines and all the sudden the Cheney family is outraged? Another hypocrisy is that many high profile republicans like Illinois senate candidate Alan Keyes speak out on homosexuality and call gays sinners. Where is the outrage from the Cheneys when other republicans basically call their daughter a sinner.? I think gay marraige is an issue that the Republicans are vulnerable on and that Kerry should continue to try to bring it the forefront. Both Bush and Cheney appear to be uncomfortable talking about the issue for different reasons.

Robin Williams on Jay Leno

John Kerry should perhaps consider having Robin Williams stump for him at local comedy clubs. Williams appeared on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno tonight and spent a good ten minutes poking fun at "W" and his debate techniques. Williams did a dead on impression of "W" during the second debate when he constantly winked and nodded at members of the crowd in St. Louis.


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