Sunday, February 13, 2005

The Pity Awards

I'm going to have to stop watching award shows like the Grammy's after Ray Charles cleaned up tonight. You can't tell me that Charles would have even been nominated if he was alive. There are other ways to honor dead musicians than giving them grammy's. Green Day deserved the awards and that's all there is to it. The same thing happened at the Country Music Awards last year when Johnny Cash won practically every award given.

McHale's Army

I think Kevin McHale had to fire Flip Saunders because of his own inability to move either Sam Cassell or Latrell Sprewell. McHale couldn't make a player change so he was forced to change coaches to make it appear like he tried something. Personally I think it's going to blow up in his face and the Wolves will probably finish seven to ten games below .500.

Dobson's a dope

I wonder why James Dobson hasn't come out vehemently against the popular show Desperate Housewives. The show clearly promotes adultery which according to the Bible is as dirty of a sin as homosexuality. Isn't Dobson worried what this show might do to families? Or is the name of his organization just a way to cover up his bigotry?


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