Thursday, March 20, 2003

Breaking News!

Basically I just wanted to be like Fox News or MSNBC and put a tacky bold headline up in red letters. Unfortunately I never figured out how to get the ticking down clock for Saddam's deadline like MSNBC did. I wonder how long it takes these network big whigs to decide what their big motto is going to be for world events like a war. I mean you can go with the always affective cheesy rhyme like "Attack on Iraq." Or you can try to have every word start with the same letter like "Showdown With Saddam," which is also very eye catching. After all these are the important aspects of this whole conflict right?

The Average Legacy

The University of Minnesota men's basketball team took another step towards becoming the most average basketball program in the country. The Gophers continued their annual dominance in the NIT last night with a thrilling ten point victory over the St. Louis Billekens. Early reports show that about five people were tuning in for the game, all of which had the last name Monson.


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